Flatcars & Intermodals
General Purpose Flatcars
General Purpose Flatcars
Consumer Goods
Forest Products, Lumber, & Panels
Metals & Metallic Ores
Nonmetallic Minerals
Our general-purpose flatcars are versatile railcars that can be equipped in numerous ways to carry a large variety of products. They are typically used for shipping commodities such as lumber, steel products, wind blades, machinery, and miscellaneous building products.
Our bulkhead flatcar is equipped with 10 ft bulkheads that are designed to prevent product shifting in the direction of travel. The 89 foot flat typically has nailable steel floors and can be configured with many different load securement specifications depending on each customer’s requirements.
Product Details
Nominal Capacity / Gross Rail Load
220,000 lbs
263,000 lbs
286,000 lbs
263,000 lbs
286,000 lbs
Standard Design Elements
Chain Anchors
Side-stanchion slots
Container pedestals
Chain Anchors
Side-stanchion slots
Container pedestals
Standard Configurations
Flatcars equipped with Bulkheads
Flatcars without Bulkheads
Flatcars without Bulkheads
Industry-Standard Length: Bulkheads
52 feet
62 feet
62 feet
Industry-Standard Length: Standard
64 feet
89 feet
89 feet
Pipe, Pilings, plate steel, windmill blades, machinery, etc.